Discover More About

the Power of Hypnosis

🌟 How to Prepare for a Successful Hypnosis Session

🌟 How to Prepare for a Successful Hypnosis Session

I love helping you unlock the incredible power of your subconscious mind. If you're ready to remove what's blocking you — or discover what'll empower — these tips will help you get the most out of a s... ...more

Confidence ,Stress Relief &Hypnosis

July 25, 20242 min read

⛵️ How to Sail Through Life's Transitions

⛵️ How to Sail Through Life's Transitions

It's true that life is an ever-changing journey filled with twists, turns and unexpected adventures. Transitions can be both exciting and daunting. Yet with the power of hypnosis, you'll find the stre... ...more

Confidence ,Hypnosis &Improved Performance

July 25, 20241 min read

🌟 Boost Your Self-Esteem with Hypnosis

🌟 Boost Your Self-Esteem with Hypnosis

A healthy self-esteem is crucial for thriving in just about every aspect of life. When we feel secure in who we are, everything from pursuing our dreams to building strong relationships becomes easier... ...more

Confidence ,Self-Worth Neuroscience of Success &Hypnosis

July 25, 20241 min read

📢 How Hypnosis Enhances Public Speaking Skills

📢 How Hypnosis Enhances Public Speaking Skills

Are you looking to conquer your nerves, boost your confidence, and deliver powerful speeches or presentations? Hypnosis can be a valuable tool to help you overcome worry, improve your focus, and tap y... ...more

Confidence ,Improved Performance &Public Speaking

July 09, 20242 min read

🫶 Exploring Alternative Weight-Loss Strategies

🫶 Exploring Alternative Weight-Loss Strategies

So many of us have been there — trying to demystify the road to weight loss. The diets, the workouts, the ups, and the downs. Instead of focusing on the physical habits you can change, I’d like to ... ...more

Confidence ,Self-Worth Habit Relief &Weight Loss

June 20, 20241 min read

💪 Embrace Change like a Boss

💪 Embrace Change like a Boss

Today I want to talk about something we all go through ... Change. Yes, it's constant. And it can knock us off balance. But fear not. I'm here to help you build your resilience with the gentle power o... ...more

Confidence ,Hypnosis

April 03, 20241 min read

🌺 Spring Renewal - Cleanse Your Mind with Hypnosis

🌺 Spring Renewal - Cleanse Your Mind with Hypnosis

Spring is in the air. And it's the perfect time to rejuvenate and cleanse — not just your living space, but also your mind. That's where hypnosis comes in – it's like a refreshing mental detox. ...more

Confidence ,Stress Relief &Hypnosis

April 03, 20241 min read

😌 Let's conquer your fears

😌 Let's conquer your fears

Fear is nothing more than a thought that's convinced us it's real. Fortunately, with hypnosis, we can rewrite those thoughts and take back control of our lives. ...more

Confidence ,Stress Relief &Hypnosis

April 03, 20241 min read

🌟 Let's Talk Confidence

🌟 Let's Talk Confidence

Feeling like you need a confidence boost? Trust me, you're not alone – we all have those moments where a little extra swagger would be helpful. Fortunately, hypnosis can be your secret confidence we... ...more


March 12, 20241 min read

😳 Calming Interview Nerves

😳 Calming Interview Nerves

What to do before and after an interview to reduce your nerves. ...more

Confidence ,Stress Relief

December 08, 20231 min read

🤔 Why Self-Confidence Trumps Confidence

🤔 Why Self-Confidence Trumps Confidence

There's an important distinction between Confidence and Self-Confidence you need to remember to become unstoppable. ...more


December 05, 20231 min read

🐣 Which comes first, the confidence or the success?

🐣 Which comes first, the confidence or the success?

Have you ever wished you had the confidence to start a new business? Or speak on stage? Or maybe even write a book? Whatever you’d love to accomplish, remember this … ...more


November 02, 20232 min read

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Certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists Since 1993

DISCLAIMER: As a certified professional hypnosis specialist, my role is to help you resolve everyday problems using hypnosis. I am not a medical doctor nor a mental health practitioner. I do not diagnose, prescribe, treat, cure or heal any physical, mental or emotional illness

© Copyright 2024 by Sharon Jackman Hypnosis, Inc. All rights reserved.