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Valentine's Day

💖 Why I've traded in Valentine's Day for something better

November 02, 20232 min read

Call me a grinch, but I’ve never liked Valentine’s Day.

Honestly, it feels like one more way to prove to ourselves we're unworthy when the person we care for doesn't shower us with presents.

Now, Self Love? That’s something I can get behind.

When we’re kind and loving to ourselves, that gentleness ripples out into all of our relationships.

The problem is, Self-love isn’t as easy as ordering yourself to love yourself, right? If only.

But there is something that make it easier ...

Start with Self Forgiveness.

Have you ever done something you thought you could never forgive yourself for?

Maybe you thought it was right at the time, only to realize later how wrong it was.

Or maybe it had unintentional consequences. And now you wish you could take it back.

Or maybe you’ve spent years hiding what you did. But now you're exhausted devoting so much energy to covering it up.

Learning from our experience is one thing. That’s what wisdom is all about.

But Self Forgiveness is about stopping the self flagellation.

If you’re ready to feel that sweet relief, try this:

Take a few moments to sit quietly in a comfortable chair undisturbed.

Close your eyes …

And imagine yourself as your very own child snuggling up on your lap.

  • Perhaps you're a baby, giggling and cooing those precious baby sounds.

  • Or maybe you’re a toddler, eyes wide with the curiosity and wonder you see on the face of toddlers.

  • Or maybe you’re a little older, like 5 or 6.

However you show up, imagine that younger you in living color.

Now look into her eyes and say out loud …

I’m here for you.

I will never let you down.

You will never alone because I love you.

There’s a lot you’re going to face as you grow up.

And I want you to remember this ...

You have always done the best you could with what you knew at the time.

As you learned better, you did better.

And I am so proud of you.

Now give that darling you a great big HUG.

Feel her sweetness melt into your very own heart.

Then smile as you realize …

It’s all ok.

You have always done the best you could with what you knew at the time.

And as you learned better, you did better.

Now gently place your hand on your heart and say to yourself ...

I am so proud of you. And I forgive you.

Then take a nice, deep breath and let it go.

From Self Forgiveness, Self Love is only a hop, skip and a jump away.

Big HUG,


PS ~ Curious about how hypnosis can help you overcome guilt and shame ... and set you free?

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